In this show Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau touch on the ancient art of performing soul retrievals to heal trauma. Sandra is known for her work in this area and wrote a ground breaking book Soul Retrieval:Mending the Fragmented Self which was written in the 1980s and is still a bestselling book. She has trained thousands of practitioners in Soul Retrieval and has helped tens of thousands of people through this profound healing practice.

Renee studied soul retrieval with other teachers and works in a different way than Sandra and shares some of her way of working. It is good to hear different perspectives of how shamanic practitioners work.

Sandra and Renee could only touch on this subject. Sandra led a short journey to scan your body and to see if you are in need of a soul retrieval. If you believe you are Sandra recommends people visit her website to find an experienced practitioner whom she trained.

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