At at time on the planet when looking youthful and finding ways to live longer dominate our news and culture an entire part of our population is not being honored for the life that have led and what they contributed over their lifetime. We tend to compare how we are...
During this show Renee and Sandra have a very lively and educational discussion about the pros of learning directly from your own spirits. This process is called direct revelation and is a universal practice used by shamanic cultures. Training modern day shamanic...
Many shamans in indigenous cultures won’t travel to do their work as they believe that their power comes from the land they are living on. Sandra and Renee talk about the different ways we can stay connected to our land while traveling. Sandra likes to travel with an...
Like this show and please subscribe. As children we were so sensitive to facial expressions, hand gestures, and the tones of words spoken by the authority figures who took care of us. When we were pre-verbal we picked up so many cues around us that told us what we...
On September 23 we welcome in the fall/spring equinox. In this show Renee and Sandra reflect on experiencing the power of changing seasons. As we are Nature and not separate from it our bodies are impacted by the change in the elements that give us life. The equinox...