On September 23 we welcome in the fall/spring equinox. In this show Renee and Sandra reflect on experiencing the power of changing seasons. As we are Nature and not separate from it our bodies are impacted by the change in the elements that give us life. The equinox...
In this powerful show Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau review how, they are making choices right now about what work they want to take on, who they want to hang out with, what thoughts they want to entertain, and so on. For with all that is going on in the world...
There is so much going on planetary right now. And we all want to help. People reach out to teachers asking for global ceremonies to be organized and performed. This of course has its place, and can be a powerful way to transmit helpful prayers to those caught in...
Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau were asked to talk about this important and most complex topic of what is shaman illness. And this is a big topic. For shaman illness can be happening to one who is called by the spirits to be a shaman. And illness comes into...
In the modern world we tend to be gazers and onlookers of life. We like to go to beautiful places have wonderful experiences. But there is a difference between being an observer while we live our lives versus absorbing in the frequencies of the beauty we witness. For...