Our modern Western culture tends to focus on learning through lectures and gathering more material. This works to a point, but how deep does this information go when we are only engaging our conscious mind. During this show Renee and Sandra introduce us to the...
On September 23 we welcome in the fall/spring equinox. In this show Renee and Sandra reflect on experiencing the power of changing seasons. As we are Nature and not separate from it our bodies are impacted by the change in the elements that give us life. The equinox...
In Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman’s last show they spoke about loneliness, and also the gift that can come from being with yourself. There are so many mysterious illnesses plaguing people and nature beings today. And as humans we have been trained to seek...
Please Like and Subscribe to The Shamans Cave. During this powerful episode Renee and Sandra both share how they have experienced loneliness in recent times. As a collective we have been through so much due to terrorism, war, climatic events, and the pandemic. As the...
What we give energy we give life to. This is a well known shamanic teaching. But do we take time to reflect on the thoughts and energy coming from our mind that we are giving life to? How do we work consciously with our thoughts without going into a spiritual...