Our modern Western culture tends to focus on learning through lectures and gathering more material. This works to a point, but how deep does this information go when we are only engaging our conscious mind. During this show Renee and Sandra introduce us to the...
Shamanism is a practice of direct revelation. This means we all have access to helping spirits. The helping spirits all have different messages and ways of healing. When we come together in a shamanic circle whether online or in person practitioners are bringing...
One of our listeners asked Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau to speak about how shamans perceive illnesses like fibromyalgia or chronic pain. It is important to understand that with the practice of shamanism we don’t treat labels we only treat people. And we are all...
Renee and Sandra did a very popular show on how to take care of yourself if you are a very sensitive person living in the collective we have created. And this show led to a wealth of amazing comments. Now Renee and Sandra were asked to expand on this topic of self...
The Rhythm of Aging. Everything in life ages. And in the Western World we try and hide our age and we tend to fear getting older. In reality, the cycle of winter we enter into can be such a rich time in our lives. In shamanic and other spiritual traditions we are...