Water Reflects Back the Beauty of Our Soul: Shamans Cave

We are mostly water. Everything alive on this great Earth needs water to survive. Water is beautiful, calming, cleansing, and can also get us moving quickly. What can we learn about water when we merge with an aspect of it? Tune into our show as Sandra Ingerman and...

Power with versus Power Over: Shamans Cave

In shamanism the word power means to work with others to create positive change. In the turbulent times we are living in some people, horrified by the level of suffering, step out of working with true shamanic principles to restore harmony. In this engaging show Renee...

Building an Invisible Fabric of Reality

We are so outer focused in our world that we often forget the internal process needed to create our soul desires. For in reality what we experience in our lives is birthed through us. Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau talk about the need to build an invisible world...

Solstice Ceremony

Welcoming in the Summer and Winter Solstice Renee and Sandra will lead us in a virtual blessing ceremony at a Prayer Tree for all of life during the time of the solstice.  We will end our ceremony emanating and transmitting love and light throughout the web of life....
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