There is so much going on with the weather around the globe. We are seeing rising temperatures we have never seen and the storms, earthquakes, tornadoes, freezes, and the list goes on are getting stronger than has been seen before. We can’t really predict the weather...
Sandra Ingerman was recently brought into a controversy that occurred over Facebook where people starting judging which shamanic practice is more powerful. That actually is not even a fair discussion. For all cultures that practice shamanism have the same power as...
There are so many different spiritual practices we can engage in. Many people are drawn to working with Gurus and find that their life takes on a rich meaning, and they feel more power and support in their lives due to the communities they have entered. And...
In the Western world we have lived in a time where there are so many single mothers and fathers trying to survive in a world that keeps gets challenging on all levels. Many years ago we noticed how young adults were moving back into their parents’ home. Of course...
Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman have done a few shows on how to find your flow again in life after there has been so much turbulence. But when you follow the flow of any river there is constant movement and change. There are times you are riding the smoothest waves...
Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau have been diligent over the years of the show encouraging you to go deep with your practices instead of surfing the waves of gathering more and more spiritual information that really doesn’t help in the end. Of course we can inspired...
There is so much going on planetary right now. And we all want to help. People reach out to teachers asking for global ceremonies to be organized and performed. This of course has its place, and can be a powerful way to transmit helpful prayers to those caught in...
Renee Baribeau shared how she is bringing through a new body of work in some of the writing she is doing that will eventually lead to another brilliant book from her. But she shared how she keeps getting lost in distractions. Sandra Ingerman shared how due to the...
Sandra recently noticed how her plants are growing more rapidly that normal. And then she noticed that some of her fruit trees budded throughout the winter even with frigid temperatures of zero. This led her to start sharing about this on Facebook page Shamans...
Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau were asked to talk about this important and most complex topic of what is shaman illness. And this is a big topic. For shaman illness can be happening to one who is called by the spirits to be a shaman. And illness comes into...
In the modern world we tend to be gazers and onlookers of life. We like to go to beautiful places have wonderful experiences. But there is a difference between being an observer while we live our lives versus absorbing in the frequencies of the beauty we witness. For...
In the practice of shamanism it is understood that when we die we transcend back home to Source. But there are often situations where this transition needs some assistance. We humans live in what shamans call the Middle World which is Earth School and a place of...
Many years ago Sandra Ingerman was working with a producer Mitchell Clute at Sounds True to create a Year of Ceremony program. During one of their conversations, Mitchell said the phrase “energetic signature”. For Sandra this phrase started an entire way of thinking...
One of our listeners asked Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau to speak about how shamans perceive illnesses like fibromyalgia or chronic pain. It is important to understand that with the practice of shamanism we don’t treat labels we only treat people. And we are all...
Humans and nature were meant to live in harmony. If we follow our true identity as a nature being then it only makes sense to pay attention to the changing phases and cycles of nature. For we cannot separate ourselves from the energetic changes happening to the...
It is always such a special time to watch and experience all of nature changing in accordance with the changing phases of the seasons. And in the Northern Hemisphere, we are flowing from fall into winter and in the Southern Hemisphere spring into summer. What a potent...
Renee and Sandra have done multiple shows on tools to stay sane. The Shamans Cave is going into its fifth season!! There have been so many events that have caused people to wobble emotionally that finding tools to stay centered and stable is a conversation that can go...
Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman have joined together multiple times to speak about the need for good boundary setting. So many are getting overwhelmed and stressed from trying to keep up with everything going on in the outside world. It is often our mind that...
Renee and Sandra were asked in an email to do a show on diet. But that is not really within the scope of topics appropriate for The Shamans Cave as we trust that people will learn how to trust their body’s intelligence on what food is healthy for them. But if you...
Sandra and Renee have done multiple shows on the need to reach inside and find that inner smile and inner light you can share with others in a world that is so filled with stress right now. The general trend is that most people who have gone back fully into life are...