Sandra started this show by leading an invocation to congratulate Renee on the release of her new book A Pilgrim’s Guide to Walking Wisdom 11:11 Insights. To write a book is such a creative act that comes from one soul. And Renee brought us a beautiful book with...
At at time on the planet when looking youthful and finding ways to live longer dominate our news and culture an entire part of our population is not being honored for the life that have led and what they contributed over their lifetime. We tend to compare how we are...
Our modern Western culture tends to focus on learning through lectures and gathering more material. This works to a point, but how deep does this information go when we are only engaging our conscious mind. During this show Renee and Sandra introduce us to the...
During this show Renee and Sandra have a very lively and educational discussion about the pros of learning directly from your own spirits. This process is called direct revelation and is a universal practice used by shamanic cultures. Training modern day shamanic...
Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau had quite the conversation in this show. For so many more sensitive people are becoming ill. In past times these sensitive women and men would be the healers, shamans, and teachers in their community. Renee and Sandra are addressing...
In our modern world we tend to take everything literally. But in all spiritual traditions wisdom is passed down through metaphorical stories. And this is true of oracle cards and omens that the universe shows us to give us a roadmap for how to move forward in life and...
Many shamans in indigenous cultures won’t travel to do their work as they believe that their power comes from the land they are living on. Sandra and Renee talk about the different ways we can stay connected to our land while traveling. Sandra likes to travel with an...
Many people feel very isolated, sad, left out, when they have no where to go on the holidays. And then there are some people who love the space to be alone and do all the things we have been wanting to do but have not had time to engage in. We have so many...
Like this show and please subscribe. As children we were so sensitive to facial expressions, hand gestures, and the tones of words spoken by the authority figures who took care of us. When we were pre-verbal we picked up so many cues around us that told us what we...
Like this show and please subscribe. We are in a time where the breakdown of reality and the world as we know it is being literally and metaphorically dismembered. Or if it makes more sense to you to see life on Earth as being dismantled. Some of this is due to our...
Both Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau teach practices in their courses and in their writing on Creation and Manifestation. It is such a fascinating journey to learn how to build our dreams in the invisible realms so that they can drop down to Earth to manifest....
The topic of initiation is one of great passion for both Renee and Sandra. For shamanic initiations are how they both got into the spiritual work that they abundantly share in a modern-day culture. Everyone goes through initiations in life from birth, to going through...
Join Renee Baribeau, The Practical Shaman and Sandra Ingerman as they revisit how the path of shamanism has changed over the years. There was a time in workshops we experimented with the magic of working with shamanism and seeing how far we could push the limits of...
On September 23 we welcome in the fall/spring equinox. In this show Renee and Sandra reflect on experiencing the power of changing seasons. As we are Nature and not separate from it our bodies are impacted by the change in the elements that give us life. The equinox...
In this powerful show Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau review how, they are making choices right now about what work they want to take on, who they want to hang out with, what thoughts they want to entertain, and so on. For with all that is going on in the world...
Shamanism is a practice of direct revelation. This means we all have access to helping spirits. The helping spirits all have different messages and ways of healing. When we come together in a shamanic circle whether online or in person practitioners are bringing...
In Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman’s last show they spoke about loneliness, and also the gift that can come from being with yourself. There are so many mysterious illnesses plaguing people and nature beings today. And as humans we have been trained to seek...
Please Like and Subscribe to The Shamans Cave. During this powerful episode Renee and Sandra both share how they have experienced loneliness in recent times. As a collective we have been through so much due to terrorism, war, climatic events, and the pandemic. As the...
Ceremony has the ability to bring us to a place of feeling stable and centered especially during challenging times. Ceremony creates a container where we can state our needs to the creative forces of the universe so they may be heard. And then the universe works with...
Join Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman as they speak to those of you beginning your practice in shamanism. They share with you such helpful advice as how to ask an appropriate question to the spirits, challenges that come up with not asking the correct question,...