Sandra recently noticed how her plants are growing more rapidly that normal. And then she noticed that some of her fruit trees budded throughout the winter even with frigid temperatures of zero. This led her to start sharing about this on Facebook page Shamans are Gardeners of Energy. Those who responded said that their plants indoors and outdoors are blossoming months before typical growth cycles will report. And added to that the birds seem to be migrating at different seasons then we usually see.

Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman had a really nice discussion about this and we wonder what is nature reflecting back to us. For we are in a time of expanded growth. And is Nature showing us that whatever we are experiencing with challenges and good times that we are in a time of expanded growth.

This is such an important topic for all of you who like to follow the seasons and for those of you first learning the importance of doing this. Join Renee and Sandra to be inspired to learn more about how we are blossoming right now.

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